Blogs from August, 2020

Negative oil prices CME

TD Ameritrade Class Action

Court: Northern District of Illinois

August 12, 2020-August 22, 2020

On April 20, 2020, for the first time in history, crude oil futures settled at a negative price of -$37.62. A recently filed class action lawsuit in federal court states that TD Ameritrade and TD Ameritrade Futures and Forex knew about the possibility of negative prices before April 20, 2020 but failed to act, and was not prepared. As a result, TD Ameritrade exposed their clients to unlimited market risk as they were unable to execute orders, were not warned about the possibility of negative prices, and could not reach the order desk. Many customers of TD Ameritrade Futures and Forex were affected.

If you wish to serve as a lead plaintiff of the TD Ameritrade class action lawsuit or have questions concerning your rights regarding this class action lawsuit, please provide your information here, or contact Ms. de Silva directly at 866-566-1849, or 312-586-9890, or via e-mail at

Please contact us before August 22, 2020.


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